A successful Mikado season with Bronaar Farms

Taurus – the terrific
Wynand Oelofsen (KZN Area Sales Manager) and Ruaan Lerm (Brassicas Product Developer)
Looking for a fast growing, large-headed cabbage? Look no further!
These heads are uniformly large, and weigh between 4 – 6kg.
Taurus is extremely versatile and can be harvested earlier, due to the internal quality and density which makes is suitable for retailers looking for weights between 1.8 – 2.2kg.
The vegetative period is about 100 – 110 days from planting in warmer conditions and 110-140 days from planting in cooler conditions. Our recommended density is about 24 000 – 35 000 plants per hectare. The past season was very interesting with farmers planting at 30 thousand plants per ha reaping 97% at first cut.
Taurus creates snow – white heads, perfect for the fresh and processing markets. This hybrid is capable of great hold ability in the field with its upright growth habit, and strong, thick stem at keeps the lower leaves off the ground – limiting diseases exposure. Taurus boasts a great disease package:
● HR: Yr
● IR: Xcc
Just have a look at what some of our customers had to say!
Loose head bakkie buyer 1
Q: “What do you like most about Taurus?”
A: “There are three reasons we like this cabbage… It has big outer leaves that tastes great and presents well to buyers. It has a great shelf life, and it is heavy!”
Loose head bakkie buyer 2
Q: “Why do you drive here to buy Taurus cabbages?”
A: “It pays me to buy these cabbages because the heads are not super Big. I can load more onto my van and trailer giving me better profit at the end of the day.”
Q: “Don’t you get more money for bigger cabbages?”
A: “Yes one or two rand more but we get more medium to large cabbages to our buyers and save fuel as well. Our buyers like the cabbage and are happy with it. It might not be super big, but it is heavy and full.”
Q: “What is the main reason you switched 100% to Taurus this year?”
A: “Well, it was easy; I split my cabbage and plant in spacings of two to three weeks apart. I need uniformity and hold ability. Taurus gives me both!”
Always keep in mind that you can find a slot for Taurus that works for you. Always build on your options and know your varieties.
Remember: less is more, and slotting is key.
Give us a call and we will gladly help you with slotting and advice on growing your next cabbage crop.
You can contact Wynand on 079 888 1815 and Ruaan on 066 119 9245.
Looking for a fast growing, large-headed cabbage? Look no further!
These heads are uniformly large, and weigh between 4 – 6kg.
Taurus is extremely versatile and can be harvested earlier, due to the internal quality and density which makes is suitable for retailers looking for weights between 1.8 – 2.2kg.
The vegetative period is about 100 – 110 days from planting in warmer conditions and 110-140 days from planting in cooler conditions. Our recommended density is about 24 000 – 35 000 plants per hectare. The past season was very interesting with farmers planting at 30 thousand plants per ha reaping 97% at first cut.
Taurus creates snow – white heads, perfect for the fresh and processing markets. This hybrid is capable of great hold ability in the field with its upright growth habit, and strong, thick stem at keeps the lower leaves off the ground – limiting diseases exposure. Taurus boasts a great disease package:
● HR: Yr
● IR: Xcc
Just have a look at what some of our customers had to say!
Loose head bakkie buyer 1
Q: “What do you like most about Taurus?”
A: “There are three reasons we like this cabbage… It has big outer leaves that tastes great and presents well to buyers. It has a great shelf life, and it is heavy!”
Loose head bakkie buyer 2
Q: “Why do you drive here to buy Taurus cabbages?”
A: “It pays me to buy these cabbages because the heads are not super Big. I can load more onto my van and trailer giving me better profit at the end of the day.”
Q: “Don’t you get more money for bigger cabbages?”
A: “Yes one or two rand more but we get more medium to large cabbages to our buyers and save fuel as well. Our buyers like the cabbage and are happy with it. It might not be super big, but it is heavy and full.”
Q: “What is the main reason you switched 100% to Taurus this year?”
A: “Well, it was easy; I split my cabbage and plant in spacings of two to three weeks apart. I need uniformity and hold ability. Taurus gives me both!”
Always keep in mind that you can find a slot for Taurus that works for you. Always build on your options and know your varieties.
Remember: less is more, and slotting is key.
Give us a call and we will gladly help you with slotting and advice on growing your next cabbage crop.
You can contact Wynand on 079 888 1815 and Ruaan on 066 119 9245.
Pleroma Boeredag 2023
Vir die eerste keer vandat die pandemie als tot ‘n stilstand gebring het, kon ons uiteindelik weer saam ons lojale kliënte kuier.
Ons het die dag saam deurgebring by Pleroma Boerdery in Brits, en van ons beste – en nuutste – varieteite uit gestel.
Die fokuspunt van die dag was ons bone, Caprice en Wyatt, maar daar was ook heelwat rumoer oor ons Mazal tamatie en Driver – ‘n uitskieter van ons suikermielies.
Baie dankie aan Pieter van Pleroma dat ons gebruik kon maak van jul uitmuntige plaas en geriewe. Ons sien uit om nog saam julle te groei!
Vir die eerste keer vandat die pandemie als tot ‘n stilstand gebring het, kon ons uiteindelik weer saam ons lojale kliënte kuier.
Ons het die dag saam deurgebring by Pleroma Boerdery in Brits, en van ons beste – en nuutste – varieteite uit gestel.
Die fokuspunt van die dag was ons bone, Caprice en Wyatt, maar daar was ook heelwat rumoer oor ons Mazal tamatie en Driver – ‘n uitskieter van ons suikermielies.
Baie dankie aan Pieter van Pleroma dat ons gebruik kon maak van jul uitmuntige plaas en geriewe. Ons sien uit om nog saam julle te groei!
JDB en Hazera – Groei Saam
Johann Pretorius
Dit is nou 10jaar vandat JDB Agri en Hazera begin het om n opwindende pad saam te stap. Partymaal gaan dit swaar, maar dit is deel van Boerdery.
Hoe het ons hierdie pad saam gestap tot nou? Wedersydse vertroue, goeie boerdery praktyk en bestuur, boer en verskaffer verhouding, maar heel belangrikste – goeie en oop kommunikasie.
Iets wat ons egter kan uitsonder is die goue kombinasie van JDB Agri se Boerdery praktyke wat in samewerking met ons uie varieteit Mikado presteer. Mikado met sy opbrengs, kwaliteit uitpak en goeie stoor vermoë hou weer van sy kant af die bankbestuurder gelukkig.
Mikado wys jaar op jaar dat hy n ou en beproefde staatmaker is!
Kontak ons gerus om jou Mikado bestelling vandag nog te plaas.
Dit is nou 10jaar vandat JDB Agri en Hazera begin het om n opwindende pad saam te stap. Partymaal gaan dit swaar, maar dit is deel van Boerdery.
Hoe het ons hierdie pad saam gestap tot nou? Wedersydse vertroue, goeie boerdery praktyk en bestuur, boer en verskaffer verhouding, maar heel belangrikste – goeie en oop kommunikasie.
Iets wat ons egter kan uitsonder is die goue kombinasie van JDB Agri se Boerdery praktyke wat in samewerking met ons uie varieteit Mikado presteer. Mikado met sy opbrengs, kwaliteit uitpak en goeie stoor vermoë hou weer van sy kant af die bankbestuurder gelukkig.
Mikado wys jaar op jaar dat hy n ou en beproefde staatmaker is!
Kontak ons gerus om jou Mikado bestelling vandag nog te plaas.
Rosaly Farms, and our Flamenco Carrot
Henk du Plessis
Rosaly, Farm Manager
Ruaan Lerm (Product Developer), in cooperation with Henk du Plessis (Farm Manager from Rosaly), conducted a trial of Flamenco carrot against four competing varieties in the same slot.
Planting took place on the 15th of April this year in the Vaalwater area, and through excellent care and management by Henk, the trial showed to be a huge success.
The crop was grown under pivot irrigation, where the foliage displayed resilience in between longer intervals without water.
There was no sign of disease on the crop, in an area that is severely affected by powdery mildew and Alternaria.
Harvest day took place on the 25th of August where Flamenco exhibited high yield, and displayed uniformity in size and root quality.
The foliage from this carrot also had the strongest attachment and upright growth habit, and could withstand longer periods without irrigation.
The tonnage harvested was higher than expected with only 6% waste, yielding more than that of the other varieties that were also evaluated.
Thank you to Henk for participating in this trial! We look forward to growing with you and achieving even higher results in the future
Ruaan Lerm (Product Developer), in cooperation with Henk du Plessis (Farm Manager from Rosaly), conducted a trial of Flamenco carrot against four competing varieties in the same slot.
Planting took place on the 15th of April this year in the Vaalwater area, and through excellent care and management by Henk, the trial showed to be a huge success.
The crop was grown under pivot irrigation, where the foliage displayed resilience in between longer intervals without water.
There was no sign of disease on the crop, in an area that is severely affected by powdery mildew and Alternaria.
Harvest day took place on the 25th of August where Flamenco exhibited high yield, and displayed uniformity in size and root quality.
The foliage from this carrot also had the strongest attachment and upright growth habit, and could withstand longer periods without irrigation.
The tonnage harvested was higher than expected with only 6% waste, yielding more than that of the other varieties that were also evaluated.
Thank you to Henk for participating in this trial! We look forward to growing with you and achieving even higher results in the future
Sunnyvale Farms
Dean Maartens
Manager of Sunnyvale Farms